Function cost analysis

Function Cost Analysis (FСА) (sometimes named function value analysis (FVA)) is the a method of technical and economic research of the systems for purpose to optimize a parity entre system ‘s (as product or services ) consumer functions or properties (aussi known as value ) and expenses to achieve those functions or properties.


This methodology for continuous perfection of manufacture, industrial technologies, organizational structures Was developed by Juryj Sobolev (Соболев, Юрий Михайлович) ( Russia ) in 1948 at the ” Perm Telephone Factory ” (Almost at the time Sami got LD Miles ).

  • 1948 Juryj Sobolev (Соболев, Юрий Михайлович) ( Russia ) – the first success in a method of analysis at the ” Perm telephone factory ” ( Perm , Russia ).
  • 1949 – the first application for the invention as a result of the new method.

Today in economically Developed Countries Practically Each enterprise or the company uses methodology of the kind of functional-cost analysis as a practice of the quality management , full MOST satisfying to principles of standards of series ISO 9000 .

Basic ideas

  • Interest of consumer not in products Itself, the goal advantage qui it Will receive from ict use.
  • The consumer aspires to reduce his expenses ( cost or price of functions ).
  • Functions needed by consumers can be executed in various ways, and, hence, with various efficiency and expenses. Among possible alternatives of realization of such functions in which the quality of the price is the optimum for the consumer.


The goal of CAF is achievement of the Highest consumer satisfaction of Production at simultaneous Decrease in all kinds of industrial expenses (production costs ). Classical FCA has three English synonyms – Value Engineering , Value Management, Value Analysis. It is not necessary to confuse method As it takes place at some authors, to method Activity-based costing (ABC)

Basic terms

  • Technical system – the set of material elements (components) intended for the satisfaction of the need for the person (society) or the technical system of the higher hierarchical level, possessing a property of the making it.
  • FCA object – HARDWARE or its elements.
  • subsystem – the system which is apart from analyzed HARDWARE.
  • supersystem – the system analyzed HARDWARE.
  • Consumer property – Ability of the HARDWARE to Satisfy Any need of the person (or society ) or other HARDWARE.
  • Expenses for Maintenance and accomplish achieve consumer properties – the cumulative resulted expenses is technical system at all courses of ict life cycle .
  • The cost analysis – definition of expenses for performance of functions and em