
Meta marketing

Meta marketing is “the synthesis of all managerial , traditional , scientific , social and historical foundations of marketing ,” a term first coined by EJ Kelly while discussing the issue of ethics and science of marketing [1] Thus, Meta Marketing is an… Read More


Marketing Communications

Marketing communications ( MC , marcom , marcomm ) uses different marketing channels and tools in combination: [1] Marketing communication channels focuses on business communications to a desired market, or the market in general. A marketing communication tool can be anything from: advertising , personal… Read More


Multi-level marketing

Multi-level marketing ( MLM ) also called pyramid selling , [1] [2] network marketing , [2] [3] and referral marketing , [4] is a controversial marketing strategy for the sale of products and services. revenue of the MLM company is derived from a non-salaried workforce (also called participants , and variously known as “salespeople”,… Read More


Distribution (business)

Distribution (or place ) is one of the four elements of the marketing mix . Distribution is the process of making a product or service for it. This can be done directly by the producer or service provider, or by using indirect channels with distributors or intermediaries . The other three elements of the marketing mix are product , pricing , and promotion . Read More


Pyramid scheme

A pyramid scheme (Commonly Known As pyramid scams ) is a business model That recruits members through promised payments of gold for services Enrolling others into the scheme, Rather than Supplying investments dirty gold of products or services . As recruiting… Read More


Database marketing

Database marketing is a form of direct marketing using databases of customers or potential customers to generate personalized communications in order to Promote a product or services for marketing practical purposes. The method of communication can be any addressable medium,… Read More